Automated Care Group Assignments

Streamline your pastoral care with intelligent, category-based care request routing to specialized care groups.

Care Request Example

New prayer request for a family dealing with illness - automatically routed to the Prayer Team group.

1. Care Request Created

A new care request is entered into CareNote with specific care category details.

2. Category Filter

The system automatically routes the request to the appropriate care group based on its category.

3. Group Notification

The group owner or manager receives an immediate notification about the new care request.

4. Assignment

The group manager assigns the care request to a qualified care provider within the group.

5. Care Delivered & Reported

Care is provided and documented in the system, completing the care request cycle.

Key Benefits

Seamless Schedule Integration

Works in harmony with your Pastor on Call schedule for automatic task distribution.

Dynamic Follow-Up Management

Easily set and manage follow-ups with automatic reassignment based on future schedules.

Workload Balancing

Ensures equitable distribution of tasks among care providers.

Comprehensive Care Categories

Handles a wide range of pastoral care needs, from hospital visits to senior living check-ins.