Group Management
CareNote's Groups Management feature allows you to create and manage groups within your congregation. With this module, you can easily create and manage groups, view and update group member information, and track group activity.

Group Management Features
- View Individual Profiles
- View the individual profiles who are participants in this group. You can perform bulk actions on individual profiles like add to favorites, send email or sms, print labels and other functions.
- View Households
- View the household records of the individual profiles who are participants in this group. You can perform bulk actions on households like add to favorites, send email or sms, print labels and other functions.
- Export to CSV
- The Export to CSV function downloads and save a copy of your group participants in a CSV (comma separated values) file format. This can be useful for a variety of purposes, such as creating backups of data, transferring data to other software or systems, or analyzing and manipulating data in a spreadsheet program like Microsoft Excel.
- Add to Favorites
- The Add to Favorites function adds the participants of this group to your favorites list. The Favorites list is an efficient and convenient way for you to keep track of your most important profiles and quickly access them when needed.
- Send Group Email
- Use the Send Group Email feature to quickly send emails to group participants. The built-in email editor allows for customizing the greeting, subject, body of the email. You can attach files or include links as needed.
- Send Group SMS
- Use the Send Group SMS to send a text message to the participants of this group. SMS messages are stored and can be quickly accessed in Mobilize.
- Print Dymo Labels
- The Print Dymo Labels function allows you to easily create and print custom labels for the participants (Profiles or Households) of a group. This feature requires a Dymo Label Printer. We recommend a Dymo LabelWriter 450 or LabelWriter 450 Twin Turbo.
- Group Demographics
- This group demographics report provides an overview of the demographics and characteristics of your group members, including participant and household count, a breakdown of gender, ethnicities, top ten cities, average age, and member status.